Saturday, November 15, 2008

Jordan and Cole share a chair.

Oh, there's the wolf's nose.

Sweet face

Saying goodbye to the MD with Daddy

I love you, Mommy

Am I still cute?

too cute

Little baseball fan

The boys hanging out at the arts festival.

Jordan is happy that Momo is visiting us.

Mommy hugs Jordan at the park

Daddy, Jordan, Allison and Charlie.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Cool zoo hat and shirt

Hey, I like the grizzly bears!

Hi, Mr. Orangutan.

First trip to the zoo. Woodland Park. Grandpa, Daddy and Jordan.

Nice hair!

giggle fit!

laugh laugh

big smile

Nice picture

Got my swimsuit on...let's get in the hot tub!

Please, please, you'll all get your photos. Just one at a time.

Like my fishy P.J.s?

Playing piano at July 4th party

Daddy and Jordan have a raspberry contest